SweetUmami's commission sheet
-Headshots: $5
-Halfbody: $6
-Fullbody: $8Lineart
-Headshots: $8
-Halfbody: $12
-Fullbody: $15Colored
-Headshots: $12
-Halfbody: $16
-Fullbody: $20Icons
-Sketch: $8
-Lineart: $12
-Colored: $15Reference sheets: $25Custom designs
-Sketched: $10
-Lineart: $15
-Colored: $20Additions
-Detailed backgrounds: +$5
-Additional character: +10
depending on complexity of commissionWill do:
-Fanart (selectively)
-Ship art
-Light or candy/pastel gore
-Anything very minorly suggestiveWill not do:
-Hard gore
-Fetish art
-Any characters/fandoms I don't want to draw
-Complex mechanical or armor piecesExamples below! Four drawings after, my custom design examples are shown.Please contact me about orders from twitter @sweet__umami or my discord SweetUmami#2681